Mounjaro Hair Loss – Interesting Facts About This GLP1 Side Effect

For inquiring minds who want to know about Mounjaro hair loss as a side effect, we’re diving in with the answers.

Whether you are new to Mounjaro or have been taking it a while and noticed hair loss, let’s talk about this potential unlisted side effect. Thinning hair happens with age but many are noticing hair loss when taking a GLP-1.

Does Mounjaro Cause Hair Loss?

The short answer to this is something you never want to hear when asking a question. So does Mounjaro cause hair loss, maybe. While it’s not proven that Mounjaro itself is the reason for the hair loss, many users are experiencing it.

mounjaro hair loss
mounjaro hair loss

Don’t fret, we are breaking down the why, how and what you can do about it if you are experience Mounjaro hair loss.

Hair Loss Side Effect with GLP-1

When taking a GLP-1 such as Mounjaro, Ozempic or Wegovy, users are noticing that weight isn’t the only thing they are losing. While we are talking specifically from our experience and research with Mounjaro, this information is helpful to others using other GLP-1s for weight loss.

Mounjaro Hair Loss

On the list of official Mounjaro side effects hair loss isn’t one of them. Yet, so many are reporting this but why and is it true? Well, like many things – your body will have a different reaction than someone else’s.

Hair loss is a known side effect with GLP-1s in the same class, here’s what we know about losing hair on Mounjaro.

losing hair on mounjaro
losing hair on mounjaro

In clinical trials, 3% of people taking the highest dose of Mounjaro (15 mg) reported hair loss. This is compared to 1% of people taking a placebo. Interestingly, the clinical trials for Wegovy resulted in the exact 3% of patient reporting weight loss, with 1% on placebo.

Remember, the official Mounjaro side effects do not list hair loss as one of them.

Learn more about Mounjaro vs Wegovy

What Causes Mounjaro Hair Loss Side Effect

As we all know, using Mounjaro for weight loss can be quite effective for many people – especially those who are insulin resistant.

Telogen Effluvium

Let’s talk about telegon effluvium or stress shedding. Telegon effluvium is a common type of hair loss that people often experience after a change to their body or severe stress. This change to your body could easily be the significant amount of weight loss from Mounjaro / Tirezepatide.

Telogen Effluvium stress shedding hair
Telogen Effluvium is when your body stress sheds hair

Symptoms of telegon effluvium are thinning hair, typically around the top of your head. You may notice increase hair loss in your shower drain, on your pillow or clothes. Dry hairs that fall out easily are another telegen effluvium symptom.

Treatment exists to reverse hair loss – but that said, this hair loss is typically temporary. Hair loss typically grows back in three to six months without treatment.

mounjaro weight loss hair loss
mounjaro weight loss hair loss

Any time you lose a significant amount of weight, the risk of hair loss increases. Rapid weight loss can put stress on the body, leading to loss of hair.

When you lose weight and experience hair loss, it is often called “telogen effluvium” or “stress shedding” as your body sheds your hair when stressed.

It’s important to talk to your doctor if you think you are experience telegon effluvium hair loss. Mounjaro maybe the cause, or there could be a potential other reason you are losing hair.

Type 2 Diabetes Hair Loss on Mounjaro

Another reason that hair loss on Mounjaro may occur is Type 2 diabetes. If applicable to you, a recent study has shown that African American women with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of losing hair.

type 2 diabetes hair loss
type 2 diabetes hair loss

In this instance, the potential hair loss side effect would not be because of Mounjaro, rather type-2 diabetes.

3 Ways to Reduce Risk of Mounjaro Hair Loss

While there is no guarantee that you will experience hair loss as a Mounjaro side effect from weight loss, there are things you can do to reduce your risk. The good news, even if you don’t experience the hair loss, these ways to reduce your risk all can help you in other areas of your healthy lifestyle.

side effect mounjaro hair loss
side effect mounjaro hair loss

Here are a 3 ways to help reduce your risk of hair loss on Mounjaro or other GLP-1s.

Eat Protein

Eating protein is something that we preach! Find our list of high protein snacks to help give you some ideas for what to eat in-between meals.

Take Vitamins

Certain drugs can help maintain healthy hair, skin and muscle tissue. Ask your healthcare provider before adding any new supplements to your diet.

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Our favorite pick for hair and skin while on Mounjaro (and even in not!) is Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides powder. This has no flavor and can easily be mixed with coffee or into smoothies!

Get Enough Sleep

Whether you are on Mounjaro, watching what you eat or just living your best life – sleep is critical for functioning! In this world of technology, somethings can be replaced but they haven’t found a way for you to live on less sleep for long period of time. Get your zzz’s!

Adults require between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Sleeping can also decrease stress!

If these tips for helping reduce hair loss symptoms on Mounjaro were helpful, you are in luck! We have a post of helpful Mounjaro tips from things that we’ve learned first hand.

What is a GLP-1

If you are new to researching GLP-1 for weight loss, here’s a quick break down of what GLP-1 stands for: glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist.

These agonists are effective at treating type 2 diabetes but also have shown success with obesity and insulin resistance. In addition, there are currently multiple clinical trials studying other various uses for GLP-1s such as fighting addiction.

In Conclusion

We hope this answered your questions in regards to a potential Mounjaro hair loss side effect, potential ways to reduce your risk and information about stress shedding.

This information is for educational use only. Any medical advice should be discussed specifically between you and your medical professional. Information provided here is not

We are excited to expand our keto content to include other solutions our community is using to achieve optimal health. While we understand that this may not be for everyone, we do know that people are seeking information about obesity as a disease and solutions, such as Wegovy, Ozempic / Semaglutide and Mounjaro / Tirezepatide / Zepbound.

Please direct any questions in regards to personal use with your doctor and any questions in regards to coupons, etc should be discussed with your pharmacy or with the pharmaceutical customer service.

Mounjaro Hair Loss is part of the Keto Dirty Series on Mounjaro Weight Loss

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