Best Place to Inject Mounjaro for Weight Loss

With multiple locations, let’s talk about the best place to inject Mounjaro for weight loss.

There are three areas of the body that Lily recommends for Mounjaro injections. We are diving into each of the locations and looking at what you should know about each and what our Mounjaro community says about each location in regards to breaking a weight loss stall (plateau.)

4 Tips to Inject Mounjaro for Weight Loss

Currently, we know that Mounjaro is approved for type 2 diabetes and will soon have FDA approval for weight loss. The current guidelines given by Lily are for the those with a type 2 diagnosis.

Where to Inject Mounjaro for Weight Loss
Best Place to Inject Mounjaro for Weight Loss

That said, many of us are using Mounjaro for weight loss. After nearly 12 months of being on Tirezepatide, we’ve learned quite a few things from personal experience and our Mounjaro community in regards to tips and tricks that we share here.

One thing that we are asked often is about what the best place to inject Mounjaro for weight loss. Here are 4 tips in regards to the best place to inject Mounjaro for weight loss. This information is what we have learned that will hopefully help you on this journey.

You Can Change Locations to Where You Inject Mounjaro

If you are always injecting Mounjaro into the right side of your belly, did you know that you can change locations? Changing Mounjaro injection locations can actually have benefits! Here’s what you should know about changing injection sites.

inject mounjaro for weight loss location
locations to inject mounjaro for weight loss location

While there are three locations you can injection – you do have two arms and two things – as well as various areas around the belly button.

Mounjaro Weight Loss Stall? Try Changing Injection Locations

Each Mounjaro injection location can react different. A common practice when trying to decide the best place to inject Mounjaro for weight loss is to change where you are injecting.

On injection day, if you commonly use the same site (arm, thigh or stomach) – try changing locations.

weight loss stall mounjaro injection
breaking mounjaro weight loss stall

If you are experiencing a Mounjaro weight loss stall or plateau where you haven’t loss as many pounds as you had previously, changing your injection location can help!

So for example, if you typically use Mounjaro in your stomach, try using in our thigh. Not only can changing locations possibly break a stall, here is another thing it might help!

Each area, the arms, thighs and stomach have different absorption rates.

Side Effects Can Change Per Mounjaro Injection Site

Changing your injection site location can not only help break a Mounjaro weight loss stall, but many people say that different sites can result in different side effects.

thigh injecting mounjano side effects
thigh injection mounjaro for weight loss

The most common thing we are hearing and have learned from personal experience is that the best place to inject Mounjaro for weight loss with minimal side effects is in the thigh. Make sure that you are shooting the Mounjaro into the fatter area of your thigh.

Every Person Reaction is Unique

While from personal experience, we have found that changing the Mounjaro shot location has been tremendous in helping with less side effects and breaking a weight loss stall – do know that everyone does not experience the same results.

every person’s mounjaro journey is unique
mounjaro journey

Like all things, we are each made different. Many in our Mounjaro community have noted changes in side effects, less food noise by changing where to inject Mounjaro for weight loss – know that each person is different!

Read the official injection instructions.

Change up your injection site, rotate from left to right and find the best location to inject Mounjaro for weight loss that will work best for you!

This information is for educational use only. Any medical advice should be discussed specifically between you and your medical professional. Information provided here is not

We are excited to expand our keto content to include other solutions our community is using to achieve optimal health. While we understand that this may not be for everyone, we do know that people are seeking information about obesity as a disease and solutions, such as Wegovy, Ozempic / Semaglutide and Mounjaro / Tirezepatide / Zepbound.

Please direct any questions in regards to personal use with your doctor and any questions in regards to coupons, etc should be discussed with your pharmacy or with the pharmaceutical customer service.

Best Place to Inject Mounjaro for Weight Loss is part of Keto Dirty’s Mounjaro Tips

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